Recruiting in the Restoration Industry

Fallon Ledoux • February 1, 2023

Recruiting Starts with the Search 

When creating a job ad, consider the applicant’s perspective. What about your company makes it different? What can you offer that makes you stand out from other competitors? These points need to be mentioned in the job ad to attract the right candidates. Applicants with a restoration background are a rare find, so in no way can this percentage of applicants supply an entire workforce. The focus of recruiting needs to be on finding curious people, consistent people, and people that match your company's values. Do not overlook qualified candidates because their job history appears a little different on paper. Look for people who have a skills match, meaning they may come from a completely different industry; however, they have the transferable skills needed to do the job. Also, seek candidates that would find the new opportunity as the next step in their long-term career growth. These are likely individuals that will have the drive to succeed. 

Over-Communicate during Onboarding 

The term “over-communicate” has a negative connotation, but this is a great way to keep new hires that recently accepted an offer with your company interested. The new hire will know exactly what is expected with the onboarding process, the timeline, and everything needed to be ready for their first day. This is also a great way for recruiters or hiring managers to build lasting relationships with new team members and to be seen as a comfortable point of contact, not just throughout onboarding, but also throughout the employee’s career at your organization. 

Setting New Hires Up for Success 

Oftentimes, new hires know whether they are going to stay long-term with a company or not within their first few days. One mistake that many companies make is not being prepared for their new hire. Put effort into showing the new hire that you were ready for them on Day 1! This could be done down in a variety of ways. These include, but are not limited to: introducing the new hire to the entire team; having their desk set-up upon arrival; outlining their first few days of training; treating them to lunch; setting them up with a buddy or mentor;  sending a personalized note from their new leader; or anything else demonstrating that your company was ready and that you truly care. New hires should also be provided with the necessary resources and training to succeed in their new role. Their success is a direct reflection of the company. Therefore, your onboarding practices can either set them up for this success or contribute quickly to their turnover. 

An Extension of Company Culture 

Over the past decade, when it comes to company culture has been one of the biggest buzzwords. The bottom line is that an organization’s employees create a culture based on how they are treated. Invest in your employees, and they will invest back in you. Encourage employees to never stop learning, provide development opportunities, instill a climate of teamwork, and they will excel within the company.  

There has also been a shift from the sole customer-focused mindset to the realization that if you treat your employees well, then in return, they will treat your customers well. Recruiting, onboarding, and development all ties back to creating a positive company culture. Doing so will improve the retention rate, improve succession planning, increase productivity, and naturally, people will represent the company's mission, culture, and core values. 

 Be sure to visit our website to see a full list of current available positions!

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