Trauma and Crime Scene Cleanup

Zack Klein • March 8, 2022

No one ever believes they will find themselves in the middle of a crime scene, but it happens to people everywhere every single day. When it does occur, whether from the unexpected loss of a loved one, burglary, or any event in between, the scene itself can become as traumatic as the event. Entering a space that was often once comfortable and being confronted with a scene of loss and devastation is something none of us should ever have to endure. For those unfortunate times when it does happen, compassionate, discreet, and efficient professionals can help ease the burden.

When is Crime Scene Cleanup Needed?

There are a multitude of situations which may result in the need for a trauma or crime scene cleanup. These can include unattended death, suicide, homicide, or any situation in which blood and bloodborne pathogens may be present.

Why Use a Professional for Crime Scene Cleanup?

When a crime scene occurs, it is almost always necessary to use professional cleanup services. Aside from the emotional impact that can come from attempting to clean the scene yourself, health risks can also exist. In most cases, these scenes are contaminated with blood and other bodily fluids, which can lead to illness or disease with exposure. Deep and thorough cleaning with professional-grade products and equipment is the only way to effectively clean such biohazard situations. Likewise, all biohazard materials and contaminants are legally required to be properly disposed of in accordance with the law. Our team of professionals are acutely aware of these regulations.

What Makes Crime Scene Cleanup Different?

The remediation process of a crime scene follows a very specific protocol to ensure that it has been thoroughly and appropriately cleaned. Typical steps include:

  • Assessment Remediation experts will make an initial walkthrough and assessment of the scene, determining exactly where barriers should be placed and identifying any potential hazards.
  • Containment – Once the scene has been assessed, the area will be contained and secured from other parts of the premises in order to eliminate the possibility of any further contamination or exposure to potentially harmful substances.
  • Cleaning – The complete cleaning process includes removal of all visible blood, debris, and remaining biohazards, followed by complete disinfection and deodorizing.
  • Testing – The final and most important piece of crime scene remediation is the final testing process. During this step, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) technology is used to measure cell activity in the vicinity, ensuring that disinfection is up to hospital-quality standards.

Gulf South Biohazard Remediation

Guarantee Restoration represents the standard for biohazard remediation and cleanup all along the Gulf Coast. Our experts handle these scenes with exceptional care and precision, taking into account not only the physical impact at the scene, but the emotional impact it has left behind as well. Contact any one of our locations to learn more about these services today!

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