Tackling the Education Vertical

Barrett Dick • July 7, 2021

At Guarantee Restoration Services, when facing any type of property damage, we understand the importance of maintaining operations in an education facility. Throughout our over 47 years in business, we have partnered with many different school boards and higher education institutions on restoration projects.

Working with Education Facilities 

After a property damage occurs, our team ensures that we can make good on our promise of limiting down time and interruption. We want to get you back to normal school operations as quickly as possible! Our team does this by working around the clock to minimize damage, setting up temporary facilities as necessary and beginning the restoration process quickly to not only minimize costs, but also limit the interruption of classes. 

In the past 5 years, we have had many large loss experiences in the education sector. Some of these include, but are not limited to, the devastating Louisiana floods in 2016, Hurricanes Laura and Delta in 2020, the freezes of February 2021 and flooding of May 2021. 

How We Prepare

Guarantee Restoration Services offers all our partners a pre-loss assessment. This can include 3D imaging of your facilities and access to our proprietary Ready Action Plan software and application. This pre-loss assessment also includes facility site plans, building functionality components, policy information, contact information, and any other pertinent building information. Whenever a loss occurs, this pre-loss assessment will help permit an expedited recovery and restoration process.

Our GRS Process

At GRS, our mission is to serve friends, family and partners by delivering effective solutions and providing honest and dependable services while ensuring continuity for their lives and businesses. When disaster occurs, our team will mobilize all necessary labor and equipment to mitigate any damages incurred, as well as prevent any secondary damages from occurring. We will evaluate damages upon arrival, and act quickly to begin the recovery process. 

With 5 offices along the Gulf Coast, we will respond, restore, and re-occupy in a timely fashion to limit downtime to your facilities and allow all students, faculty and staff to be brought back to a safe environment in its pre-loss condition. 

24/7 is Not Just a Number

Our team of dedicated professionals is available 24/7, for any water, fire or wind or other property damage that needs immediate attention. If your business or home needs our services, contact us at 1-800-349-HELP (4357) or email info@guaranteerestoration.net. For more information about Guarantee Restoration Services, please visit www.GuaranteeRestoration.com.

About the Author

Barrett Dick is our Louisiana Business Development Manager. He has been with Guarantee Restoration Services for a little more than five years. To connect with him, visit LinkedIn or send him an email.

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