Protect Your Property After A Loss

Shawn Folks • January 21, 2020

When a large loss occurs, unoccupied buildings and those with little to no security are particularly vulnerable to vandals, burglaries and other security issues during the restoration process. These crimes can cause more damage to your property and cost you more money in the long run. However, after experiencing a large loss, many people don’t know the right steps they must take to secure their property. Learn more about how to protect your property beforehand and what Guarantee Restoration does to protect your building after a large loss!

Before a Loss: Invest in good exterior lighting and cameras.

Now more than ever, cameras that can monitor your business are accessible, affordable, and practical. With so many new high-tech options, such as Ring and Google Nest, on the market with relatively easy self-assembly, there are fewer barriers to getting security solutions for your property. Additionally, self-assembly and traditional security systems alike now use mobile apps to communicate alerts directly to your cell phone, making it easier to watch over your property before and after a loss.

During a Loss: Board up windows and doors to prevent unwanted visitors.

When it is safe to do so, Guarantee Restoration can make the first step in securing your property before the restoration process even begins by boarding doors and windows with plywood boards. With professional boarding, you can trust your property is protected from those who would attempt to burglarize during a large loss.

After a Loss: Keep your property clean and free of vandalism.

During the restoration process, it is important to keep all trash and debris as contained and clear as possible. At Guarantee Restoration, we treat your property as if it was our own. We hold every one of our technicians, project managers, and all who work on job sites to this same standard. This means trash and debris must be cleared and disposed of quickly. If your property looks clean, it will invite less crime to the area as it shows someone is still present on the property daily. Additionally, if any vandalism does happen to occur, Guarantee Restoration can quickly clean this vandalism to not invite more vandals.


We hold the security of your property to the highest standard. By keeping in mind what needs to be done before, during and after a loss to prevent further damage to your property, we are able to stay one step ahead of the curve and get you back in business faster. If you experience any size loss, our team is ready to restore your life and business from start to finish.

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